As many of you know our team has been in search of the next director of South Sudan as our current director is stepping down for medical reasons. After prayer and council this past year I decided to enter the process and pray if this is something God would have me pursue. As I have moved through interview stages I have felt that this is indeed where God would have me serve him in the coming years and God has confirmed it through several voting processes.
It is with joy that Abuk and I share with you that I have been appointed as the new country director for SIM South Sudan.
I was asked if I would consider directorship last year and while initially I was hesitant as Abuk and I prayed God begin to give me vision for our team. My initial desire to enter into the process of becoming a candidate for director came from a deep love for my teammates, the people of South Sudan and what God is doing through His people and church.
My hope, as I enter this role is to sit with the team and our partner churches and discuss how we can reach what God has called us to together and use this unified vision to prune, refine, and expand ministries.
I have not lost my vision for the water team but rather will be using this opportunity to direct the water project to be more self-sustaining. This position allows me to increase my scope of impact in South Sudan as I support missionaries, encourage discipleship across many different programs, and help align vision for us moving forward.
The step to move forward in this process came with fear and trepidation from recognition of the responsibility it entailed but began to subside as members from the team asked if I would consider it, and through prayer. In addition, and strangely, the secular psychologist Jordan Peterson’s words on encouraging men to be good leaders and not sit idly by, reminded me of what scripture calls his people to as leaders in the work of the gospel.
Covid-19, has globally, had us all step back and say, “what really matters?” as the world has shifted. What a wonderful time to be in leadership with an amazing team of folks on the ground and alongside you, our faithful supporters, and to be able to ask the question, “how can we proclaim Jesus in communities where He is least known in South Sudan.”
I value your increased prayers as you are led as I lead and direct. More to come,

J– (and Abuk)
I’m re-reading this J and wanted to let you know how incredibly proud Neal and I are of you and your obedience to Gods calling. May all your suffering AND joy glorify God !
Our Love, Juli and Neal