4 responses

  1. Alicia
    4 April, 2013

    Cross Family- So blessed to read about your adventures so far in Southern Sudan. I am part of the World Music Mission team that will be at the SIM Confrence. I am looking forward to meet you all and having a fun time with the kids. Praying for you.
    In Him


  2. Mona
    7 April, 2013

    I am introducing your family to our First Grade Sunday School class in the morning, as our missionary to pray for, and to prepare a care package for, from our class! I copied the information about your family and noticed that it says “our family of seven” in the bio. Are you including God’s presence in your family?
    My family has four children as well. We tell people that we are a family of six and when you invite us to a party, we make it a big party! Just wondered about your explanation of the number seven.
    God Bless your precious family and your calling!


    • A
      7 April, 2013

      Hi Mona!
      Our firstborn Marylou is awaiting us in heaven, she died the day she was born 🙂 Thanks we’d love to send the Sunday school something as well can you message me a bit about your class and when we are in Nairobi we’ll mail you a postcard 🙂


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