Capturing ten photos on the 10th of the month. Our day in the life (all photos here are captured on a phone). Other Ten-on-ten can be found here.
Although truth be told I had to capture then photos on the 11th of the month because I forgot on the tenth 🙂 It was a full day and its fun to look back on photos of all we did 🙂
After my morning run the kids will join me for strength training. It is pretty much the cutest thing ever…
This day was a bit less usual than normal as I had to head downtown wtih our government liason to sort some issues regarding my alien registration…
Which involves waiting in long lines and getting fingerprinted. I have spent so much of my life trying to get visas/ alien registrations etc… bleh!
I rode the bus on the way home…something I thoroughly enjoy as it means I don’t have to navigate traffic…
I don’t bother with baby toys anymore…after all her brothers toys are way cooler…
When I got home school awaited me…we are reading aloud from a great book which i enjoy…
The last day with our dear friends in town so their boys came over for one last play date….
Flower girl wanted to bake for her friends….clean up is a skill that still needs to be taught…
When J— got home he set up the tents with the kids to prepare for camping in the upcoming weekend…
Bedtime is never complete without baba preparing the kids for calm and quite with airplane rides…