The goal (I think) of this project is to take 10 photos spread throughout the day. To capture a “day in the life” of sorts on the 10th of each month. I have tried doing this in the past…though not too successfully but with a new year comes a renewed desire and so I begin again.
This month I managed to take photos spread throughout the DAYS. I was unsuccessful in capturing one day but successful in capturing moments throughout the day so I am posting and trying to challenge myself next month to do it all in one day.
February has been a very challenging month laced with grace upon grace which these photos reflect.
Seriously one of the best parts of my week is putting on these shoes and listening to great music while I run 5 days a week with a friend. Just a mile but a mile all to myself. Love it!
I came in after running to this site…reading a book together before breakfast…
Around 10:30 or 11 am our entire table is filled with books and students working hard.. I love this time with my kids!
This five year old is reading beginning readers and is very intent on coloring them as well…
This photo was taken at our weekly homeschool co-op. This is during play practice. W-man and his sweet friend. They don’t speak the same language but they love each other so and I love watching them connect without words…
One afternoon we participated in a group science experiment. D-man was quite thrilled…
I’ve been taking each of the children out on a one on one date. My time with this lovely one late afternoon was so sweet (literally!)
Traffic…in this major road in a large city sometimes the things making the traffic stop make me smile..
Errands on a busy day so grateful when we are stuck in terrible traffic this one just sleeps 🙂
With J– out of town my sweet friend brought over a game to play with the kids and I one evening. Love you Crystal!