6 reasons to travel…with kids!

Melut 215

I am guest blogging at my friend Jamie’s travel blog today about six reasons to travel with your kids...come join the conversation!



As is the case with most activities there is nothing virtuous and beneficial about travel in and of itself, but rather what you do with the activity of travel that gives it benefit (or not) to your family and children.

We often step back and ask big overarching questions when we look to travel or move somewhere, such as why are we doing this and what benefits do we want to encourage from this activity? I’ve heard it said it is easy to aim at a wall, throw a dart and then draw a bullseye around it… but if you care about what goals you achieve, choose those first, or draw your bullseye before you throw your dart. This step must be done in order to gain the most out of your travels (or any activity).

So why do we travel with our kids? I am glad you asked because believe it or not it is not to get as many glares as possible as we board an airplane (as exciting as this is)….


Read the rest of our my thoughts on Jamie’s thoughtful blog, “North of Something” check out her tips for traveling with kids and especially for my ex-pat friends (or travel savvy friends) I’d love your input on the question I ask at the end!