Overheard from Summer Camp 2011


So here is a silly way to wrap up our ministry at the student ministries summer camp we attended this past week. J– was helping out as administrative staff (the boys dean), and I was running camp store and helping in the kitchen with my “crew” of three helpers. It was exciting to observe God working in Students lives 🙂 I’m sure when we are less sleep deprived we will be able to give a less silly report. Here is a snapshot of our week:

“Mom, it’s ok I need quiet alone time with God you can go get dinner ready for the kids and I can spend my quiet time here at the water with God” – PJ- wanting to not leave the river…

“Thank you I especially like the mushrooms” -Flower-girl- at every meal where mushrooms were served

“NOO!!!! Mommy!!!” and “car!” – W-man- every time we were parted or he saw a golf cart/car driving around camp

“Agghhh I’m scared!!!, don’t worry Grandma God loves me…agghhh a wave!” -PJ- trying to calm herself down rafting behind the boat.

“WHEE” -W-man- upon discovering he could turn on the water cooler that held the lemonade and give himself lemonade showers

“Nooooooo!!!!” -the students upon learning the camp store was out of ice cream

“Whee Whee” -W-man upon watching the mechanical bull riding…”Daddy nooooo!!!” (and sobs) – W-man upon realizing that Dad was going to get on said bull…

“Thanks J— that was refreshing” – A comment made after J–‘s afternoon elective session where he taught on science and world views.

“All the luggage is loaded by the door of our cabin…WHY IS IT NOT MOVING!” -A- upon realizing/ remembering that without a husband luggage does not move itself.