On Budgets, Provision and yellow fever

We had alluded to the fact that budget changes were in our future and I wanted to update you on what that looks like for our needs and how the Lord has provided.

To sum up lots of phone calls and confusion (on my end only SIM is amazing) our budget has increased from $7,967 / month to $8,438/ month. Some visa changes are in process. This figure has been updated as of 9/1/12. More details to follow.

The reason for this increase is two-fold.

1) There is a significant increase in visas from our first budget draft (almost 20x the cost now from when South Sudan was 1 month old and our budget was formed, yes you read that right twenty times!).

2) There is an increase in our housing costs due to the large number of people that are going to South Sudan with SIM (we need to build more houses!). This is a huge blessing that our team is growing!

With these budget adjustments I also wanted to share God’s provision. With our new budget in place here is our current support.

Ongoing / Monthly Support Needs:

Currently pledged: $8,228

That is 98% of our goal!

Amount remaining: $210/ month

One time needs: (this number has not changed)

Currently given: $105,503

That is 99% of our goal!

Amount remaining: $985

* Any one time funds that come in that push us “over” the 100% amount remain in our account and are used if our support account falls low for any reasons ie a donor is unable to give or visa costs increase again etc..*

To say we are overwhelmed not only with God’s provision but the faithfulness of our partners is an understatement.

This week was a busy one for our family. We all went in for our final travel vaccines, dental appointments and started school (!). We have decided that we are so grateful to not worry about getting yellow fever, the vaccine caused us all to have some mandatory “sick” days and we are so grateful that they were short lived and brief instead of the yellow fever alternative. R- won the award for bravest person in the family for taking all six travel vaccines without a single tear at the age of four. This was her “brave” face she blew out her cheeks for all the shots. Go R-!

3 thoughts on “On Budgets, Provision and yellow fever

  • 29 August, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    Brave children you have. They are blessed to have you and Jon as their parents. Praying for all of you, especially with the new travel dates. Love you.

  • 10 October, 2012 at 9:52 pm

    How are all the shots going? Are you all finally finished? Praying for you guys often and praying that you find the time and energy to finish all the last minute details you have to do before you go as well as feel like you have time to say goodbye everyone. Looking forward to seeing you in November 🙂

    • 13 October, 2012 at 3:08 pm

      We just finished up shots this week (yea!) Last minute details are a bit crazy we sure appreciate your prayers!

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