Pre-field educational seminar

D- taking in the information at the conference

J- and I are on day 2 (of four) of a wonderful education seminar for how to educate TCK (third culture kids or children raised in a culture other then their passport culture). We are so blessed to be able to attend this conference together as we seek how to help our children thrive in South Sudan. It has provided us lots of fuel for prayer regarding our children as we move through major life transitions together.

Some of our favorite sessions have included:

  • Understanding unique challenges and griefs common to third culture kids
  • Thriving in transition and transitioning as a family
  • Developing an educational statement and understanding learning styles
  • and individual sessions with specialists to in education of TCK’s to work through some unique needs for our family.

A big answer to prayer for us has been that D- (who has joined us for the last two days) has done fabulous quietly listening or sleeping in the corner. At six months old we don’t take this grace for granted! Thanks for praying for us we have two more days of workshops together.

2 thoughts on “Pre-field educational seminar

  • 16 May, 2012 at 3:16 pm

    Hello, my daughter is trying to complete a section about international workers. She would like to ask a few questions: where do you work? What is your job? Why did you want to become an international worker? What is your favorite thing about being an international worker? Thank you for your response and we will be praying for you!

    • 16 May, 2012 at 8:10 pm

      Hi Aleta,
      We’d love to help your daughter 🙂 I sent you an email!

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