Letting things go…

I am so grateful for many things, one of these is the season in our life where we are letting so many things go. As we prepare to leave we have decided that we do not want to pay for a storage shed while we are gone. As such we are selling or giving away 95% of our possessions over the course of this year. I have to confess that it is a refreshing way to approach life, will I use this item this year if not it is time for it to go!

It is amazing to me that in six years of as a couple we have accumulated the volume of “stuff” we have and how attached I am to some of it without even realizing it. It has been a joy for me to begin going through things to give away and recognize that who I am is not the accumulation of what I have or what I want but who God created me to be. A huge part of this process for me has been that a home is not what is in it, how we decorate it or the pictures on the wall but who is in it. We felt very “at home” in Charlotte for two weeks with two suitcases of possessions, because we were together. This realization has enabled me to begin letting go of the things that I thought made up home for our family and focus on the things that do make up our home, our relationships with each other.

The second blessing has been the way it has opened my eyes to see that the children’s favorite activities don’t evolve around their “stuff” either. The girls and William spent three hours the other day decorating the dog’s house with flowers and loving their time, just being together and being creative. What joy to have my eyes be opened so clearly that what brings happiness is not what we have but who we are in God.


* Please don’t misread my post beautiful things and homes open amazing doors to hospitality and can be reflections of the beauty God created (amazing things) it is just freeing to realize that beauty and hospitality are not contained in those things but extend beyond them :-)*

2 thoughts on “Letting things go…

  • 26 August, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    Hi! I found you through your organization… my husband and I are deeply considering becoming an international family. We have five children and your site just drew me in! Have you already left for South Sudan? I’d love to stay in contact with your family and share the journey… maybe when you have a chance you might be able to answer some questions via email … :O) [email protected]

    • 27 August, 2011 at 8:32 am

      I’d love to Christina thanks for seeking us out! We have not left yet we are in process which I’d love to chat with you about. I am going to send you an email!

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