Thanksgiving in Melut fell right in the middle of graduation week. When you think about it it is the perfect time to stop doing crazy things and be thankful…so we did!
The day started on Wednesday when we did most of the baking. We had a guest who was gluten
free so we made GF corn muffins, GF pumpkin cake, GF chicken casserole, pumpkin cake, green bean casserole, and tons of croissant rolls and a layered jello salad. We also killed and feathered the chicken (who weighed about 2lbs). My teammates were also busy baking and made a pumpkin pies (Sara), stuffing and gravy (Bethany), cranberry sauce (Karen) and pumpkin hummus and pita bread (Claudia).
The day of thanksgiving was a busy one as I, Abuk, was hosting a farewell tea for all the ladies (students wives) on campus. I never host without my amazing teammates so they all came to help! We made coffee and tea for all the ladies on campus, Claudia brought doughnuts, I brought Bakhoor and nailpolish from nairobi and we gave pedicures and manicures to the ladies. It was such a joy to serve them coffee and pamper them, they have blessed us so! Nyadeng and I ended the time by sharing with each lady what we appreciated about her, and a prayer as she returns to her village to serve. It was just perfect.
This went from 2-5:45 at which point we rushed backed, grabbed our meals and enjoyed thanksgiving (right at 6!). I had set the table earlier in the day and my hubby faithfully stuck things in the oven to reheat them so we could just sit down and eat. We all shared what we were thankful for this year and enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship. Favorite memory was the cry of joy from the children at the thought of eating chicken and then that they sat under the table gnawing on the carcas to get every last bit of meat out…I am not joking!
A great end to a great day!
Click on any picture to see it full size 🙂

*photo courtesy of Tohru*

*photo courtesy of Tohru*

*photo courtesy of Tohru*
- Our thanksgiving family. We are blessed, even though we missed our family that God has brought us another one to love