Ideal eggs

We arrived safely in NRB on Wed night and have been adjusting to jet lag and life here in Africa. We are loving the names of various products in the store such as “ideal eggs” and “real good jam”. So far we are eating at home and have not ventured out to eat due to the size of our family eating out is often more work then eating in (stateside too!). I, Abuk am so glad I have cooked from scratch during seasons of my life as it is not stressful to “create” what is often provided as a convenient food elsewhere.

The most complicated thing we have done so far is to get internet. Figuring out how to buy time and load it on our “safari card” was a challenge that made us laugh. Something so simple can feel so complicated when it is new.


For now we await visas for language school and are enjoying eating ideal eggs and making new friends while we wait and recover from jet lag!

One thought on “Ideal eggs

  • 13 January, 2013 at 1:27 am

    I continue to pray for all of you and always love reading the updates. Love you all so much!! Juli

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